The Government of Rwanda is supporting the transformation of higher education so that it is fit for purpose and internationally credible. Higher education institutions are required to deliver graduates, research, consultancy services and community engagement to support the social and economic development of Rwanda.
They are also required to demonstrate that the standards of their awards, research and consultancy services are internationally credible. In furtherance of its policy for higher education the Government requires that private providers of higher education are awarded a provisional operating agreement before they are permitted to deliver higher education and a definitive operating agreement before their awards are recognised. All providers, public and private, will be periodically reviewed and sub standard provision, wherever it is found, will have to be brought up to threshold standards. Failure to bring provision up to standard will result in closure.
To support it in transforming higher education the Government has established the National Council for Higher Education as an independent Government Agency. The National Council for Higher Education is responsible for ensuring the structure, organisation and functioning of higher education institutions and monitoring and evaluating the quality and standard of provision and ensuring the quality enhancement of teaching and research. It advises the Minister in charge of Higher Education on all matters relating to the accreditation of higher education institutions. One of the key responsibilities of the National Council for Higher Education is to act as a regulatory agency.
One of the responsibilities of the National Council for Higher Education, as a regulatory agency, is advising the Minister in charge of Higher Education on issuing operating agreements to private sector higher education institutions. In the period from August 2007 to April 2008 the Council carried out three reviews following applications for provisional operating agreements, and seven reviews following applications for definitive operating agreements. A process involving peer review of the applications by trained teams of academic and other senior staff from both private and public sector higher education institutions was used to evaluate the applications.
Products & Services :
The primary mission of the Higher Education Council is the maintenance of quality assurance in the provision of higher education to ensure that higher learning institutions in Rwanda produce citizens capable of playing their part in the Rwandan economy. The council will ensure that Higher Education Institutions design programmes that:
• Meet the demands of the labour marker;
• Educate citizens so that they are capable of playing their part in the economy and society at large;
• Develop the potential of academic and administrative staff to enable them to provide stimulating intellectual environment ;
• Facilitate a culture which supports the production of scholarship, research, innovation and knowledge transfer to meet the social and economic needs or Rwanda.
- The council is further dedicated to promoting a well planned and regulated education system that meets the development needs of Rwanda;
- Building the country’s human resource capital by providing skilled and educated personnel; supporting social, political, cultural and economic advancement the nation; developing the potential of science and technology;
- Enhancing the national system of the ensures that graduates are fit for purpose and are internationally credible; contributing to the development of an effective of continuing education and life-long learning;
- Promoting equal opportunity and gender sensitivity in all higher education programmes; and encouraging regulated private and non-governmental initiatives in establishment, funding and running of higher education institutions.
Functions of NCHE
Some of the core functions of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) include:
- Ensuring Quality Control
- Upholding International standards so our graduates are credible and competitive anywhere in the world
- Qualified faculty conversant with state-of-the-arts in their disciplines through research
- Engaging students in research and critical thinking
- Bridging the digital divide for students and faculty
- Ensuring Access to Affordable Higher Education for Capacity Building
- Training and graduating students
- Maintaining a sound Relationship with the Community-Making Higher Education relevant.