The Commission was established in 1997 by Government of Rwanda, with the mandate to oversee the planning and implementation of Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Programme (RDRP). The RDRP is currently in its third stage since January 2009. This came after successful completion of stages I and II. Stage I started in 1997 and ended in 2000. Stage II started in 2001 and ended in 2008.
The overarching goal of the RDRP is to contribute to consolidation of peace in the great lakes region of east and central Africa, and to foster unity and reconciliation within Rwanda. Under RDRP stage III, the Government of Rwanda targets to demobilize and support social and economic reintegration of up to 4000 ex-combatants from the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) and 5,500 members of Rwandan Armed Groups operating mainly from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The programme also includes support to dependants of ex-ombatants from the Armed Groups who return with them from the jungles.
The RDRC recognizes, appreciated and attends to the special needs of women, disabled and child ex-combatants. Special arrangements are always in place and ongoing to ensure that these special target groups are well attended to.
Our demobilization and reintegration programme is designed and implemented with a set of guiding principles which are reflective of the wider government owned Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy. In this regard, the RDRP runs a separate component on fostering and enhancing ex-combatants’ access to and participation in mainstream support, protection and service delivery systems.
This component is officially termed as Mainstreaming. The purpose is to ensure that ex-combatants sustainably continue their reintegration and livelihood process without hindrances outside the support provided by the RDRP. The RDRC has so far demobilized and provided support for towards social and reintegration of over 65,000 ex-combatants.
Produits & Services :
What is Our Mission
RDRC’s mission, through the RDRP Stage II, is to ensure that all the demobilized ex-combatants (XCs) are socially and economically reintegrated successfully into their communities of return by embracing the following guiding principles:
In the interest of reconciliation, all XCs, irrespective of previous military affiliation, receive appropriate assistance from the Program;
XCs are free to choose their community of settlement and their path to economic reintegration.
What Are Our Objectives
The program objectives, as amended in 2006, are:
Demobilize and support the transition to civilian life of 20,000 military of the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) and 16,000 combatants of the Rwandan armed groups (AGs), including 1,600 child ex-combatants;
In the spirit of the Arusha Peace Accord, support the reintegration of 13,000 ex-FAR who remained in Rwanda after 1994;
Support the social and economic reintegration of all XCs to be demobilized in stage II and all XCs from stage I who remain socially and economically vulnerable;
Since June 2005, support the repatriation and reinsertion of an estimated 9,300 dependents of the ex-AGs; and
Facilitate the reallocation of Government expenditures from military to social and economic sectors.
The international community as represented in Kigali follows closely the repatriation, demobilization and reintegration of all XCs and their dependents to Rwanda.
The RDRC set up a Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) with an objective of bringing together key national and international partners, and acts as a conduit to the larger group of stakeholders, technical advice to RDRC on planned activities and monitoring of program implementation.