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Home Rwanda Nyarugenge District Construction, Immobilier & Maison Promoteurs immobiliers Ns Group Real Estate

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Ns Group Real Estate

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Ns Group Real Estate

Ns Group Real Estate

Ns Group Real Estate

Ns Group Real Estate

Ns Group Real Estate

Ns Group Real Estate

  • Nom du business / organisation :
    Ns Group Real Estate Investment - Development - Services LTD
  • Pays :
  • Province :
    City of Kigali
  • District :
  • Adresse - BP and ville :
    1261, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Téléphone fixe 1 :
    +250 252 57 65 18
  • Téléphone mobile 1 :
    +250 78 830 54 38
  • Email 1 :
  • Site Internet :
  • Activité 1 (Principale) :
    Real Estate Development
  • Activité 2 :
    Real Estate Services
  • Activité 3 :
    Real Estate Investment
  • Brève Description du Business / Organisation :
    ? Ns GROUP Real Estate - A Fully Integrated Real Estate Group

    NsGroup Real Estate applies its comprehensive range of sector-specific skills and expertise to help its clients and bring their projects to fruition. NsGroup Real Estate is a real estate operator capable of providing comprehensive solutions for private individuals, companies, institutional investors and local government authorities.

    NsGroup Real Estate can offer a fully-integrated range of specialist skills and services to each of its clients, from providing investor with the best opportunities of growth for their real estate investments, maintain and provide the technical components of real estate assets, and from carring out all the phases for a quality real estate development project, to managing and selling finished goods.
  • Produits & Services :

    NsGroup Real Estate Investment purpose and visionary service is to provide individual clients, with the best opportunities of growth for their real estate investments. It is our recommendation for clients; investing where there is strong growth, return potential and where we have beforehand identified the best ongoing projects for sale. We assist the investor during the acquisition of their property investment and provide a “one stop shop advisory services” package

    Our Capabilities

    Whether you are an investor seeking returns from capital, a developer seeking transaction support or a tenant with accommodation needs, NsGroup Real Estate has the global expertise and industry knowledge to meet those demands.

    Putting our clients first

    We serve our clients basing on their real estate needs. We are always frank in our advice, taking a stand in our clients’ interests, and we are relentless in delivering value for our clients as we move from advice to action.

    We are a global firm, but we recognise that our clients’ needs are tied to the local markets in which they invest, develop, and operate. As a united, global team we bring the best expertise, insight and resources to help our clients achieve their commercial ambitions.

    Investment Agency

    Our investment agency professionals provide advice on the sale, acquisition and funding of a property, with specialists in office and business parks, retail, industrial, logistics and residential development. We advise a wide range of clients from financial institutions and property developers through to private investors and corporate occupiers.

    Whether you are buying or selling a property, our professionals draw on thorough understanding of local investment and occupational markets, and global expertise in the funding markets, to provide you with impartial advice on how to best meet your objectives. We then use our global reach to identify the right seller or buyer and bring the two sides together with an emphasis on managing all transactions to a speedy conclusion.

    Client Representative

    Our role as Client Representative is pivotal to driving forward the project partnering process and therefore requires a strong personality with energy, honesty and openness, integrity and professionalism to deliver the service effectively. The key aspects of the Client Representative role can be summarised as follows:
    To exercise any discretion fairly and constructively
    To facilitate an integrated design, supply and construction process
    To be supported by other Partnering Team members
    Organise and manage Core Group and Partnering Team meetings
    Organise and monitor Value Engineering, Value Management and Risk Management processes
    Organise Partnering Workshops
    Monitor project implementation on and off site
    Administer the Contract in relation to Time, Cost, Valuations
    Project Completion and Defect Rectification

    Building Consultancy

    Our project management and building consultancy teams bring together project managers, building surveyors, quantity surveyors, architects and interior designers to support our clients in the construction, refurbishment and maintenance aspects of property.
    We recognise that each client is unique and individual and that we need first and foremost to listen to their goals and objectives. Once the Client Brief has been fully discussed and understood then the level and scope of services required can be agreed. The framework for any project management commission will be determined by establishing the following:
    Clients’ Objectives and Constraints
    Identifying Stakeholders
    Determining Roles and Responsibilities
    Communication Protocol
    Monitoring and Reporting Regime
    Key Stage Review and Feedback


    Ns Group Real Estate Development is a branch of Ns Group Real Estate. For each project it develops, Ns Group Real Estate Development carries out all the phases of the project, which are :
    Prospecting of land and its development,
    Project design and securing financing,
    Functional and financial optimization of the project,
    Management of architectural design,
    Coordination of technical studies,
    Monitoring and management of works during the construction stage of the project,
    The marketing and selling of finished goods.
    NsGroup Real Estate Development has a particular approach to its mission that is divided in three points:
    A relevant choice of site, guarantee of the value of a real estate asset. This rigorous selection of site of establishment combines functionality and environmental quality.
    Flexible and innovating solutions to customers’ real architectural needs. NsGroup Real Estate Development helps you to clearly define the criteria to which your house must comply with and this, according to your real needs and wishes, and by proposing you modern architectural solutions that comply with the criteria we establish together.
    An offer of quality goods, caring about the details, the guarantee of a higher quality execution and the choice of affordable materials and in very competitive delivery times.
    While meeting the economic constraints of a project, NsGroup Real Estate Development puts on the market two ranges of products in compliance with a maximum of requirements related to durable development.


    NsGroup Real Estate Technical Services is specialized in prevention, maintenance and providing the technical components of your real estate assets.
    NsGroup Real Estate Services is an integrated player in real estate technical professions. Our Technical Real Estate Services are classified into 5 categories from the most standard to the most complex operation:
    Simple actions carried out without tools other than those already integrated into the equipment or device,
    Common operations carried out by a qualified personnel,
    Operations of general technicality carried out by a qualified technician,
    Operations of special technicality carried out by a specialized technician,
    Renovations, rebuilding, replacements of installations, equipments, structural or operational parts, according to a process close to the original manufacturing or assembling of the concerned elements.
    NsGroup Real Estate Services is a ”One-Stop Shop Place” for real estate technical maintenance.

    At the beginning of the mission, NsGroup Real Estate Services specify your needs with you, establishes a strict program of the preventive interventions and chooses for you the suitable actions and processes to implement.
    During the mission, NsGroup Real Estate Services ensures a strict technical and financial management of its interventions on your assets and constitutes a file of intervention including, in particular, the description of the works carried out.

    A good organization and a rigorous monitoring of this technical management require availability, expertise and competences and specific trainings which mature with the experience. Therefore, entrusting your asset to seasoned professionals of NsGroup Real Estate Services ensures you that your investment is in good hands.

    Thanks to an appropriate maintenance, not only do you maintain the market value of your real estate asset, but in the long run, you also increase it!
    NsGroup Real Estate Services creates value for your real estate asset thanks to its expertise in coordinated and integrated works, applied in a global perspective.

Service public (140)
Agences & organismes gouvernementaux(31)
Ambassades du Rwanda(18)
Administration locale(35)
Hôtels & logements (335)
Motels & Auberges(48)
Lodges & Guest Houses(118)
Chambres d'hôte (Bed & Breakfast)(5)
Logement long & court séjour(17)
Restaurants, Bars, Cafés & Loisirs (470)
Restaurants & Pizzerias(186)
Bars, Cafés & Snacks(117)
Parcs pour enfants(3)
Nigth clubs(10)
Voyage, Tourisme & Transports (203)
Agences de Voyage & Tour Opérateurs(41)
Location de véhicules(5)
Taxis voitures(13)
Taxis bus / mini-bus(44)
Taxis motos(1)
Compagnies aériennes(15)
Gares routières(0)
Parcs nationaux(1)
Transport de marchandises et cargo(22)
Banques, Assurances & Finance (79)
Bureaux de change(31)
Courtiers en assurances(6)
Transfert d'argent(1)
Avocats, Juristes & Notaires (54)
Avocats & Juristes(25)
Barreaux / associations d'avocats(28)
Services Professionnels (281)
Audit, Comptabilité, Fiscalité & Consultance(28)
Auditeurs externes (individuels)(31)
Consultants en Tax(28)
Contrôle interne et de gestion(0)
Consultants en Finance(8)
Consultants en Stratégie(2)
Consultants en Gestion(5)
Consultants en développement d'affaires(6)
Consultants Ingénieurs Civils(22)
Marketing & Publicité(12)
Courrier postal & express(1)
Déclarants en douane(2)
Designers, dessinateurs, modélistes, concepteurs(1)
Consultants & spécialistes en IT(20)
Concepteurs & développeurs sites web, logiciels, programmeurs & spécialistes IT(5)
Imprimeries & Photocopies(28)
Secrétariats publics(9)
Associations professionnelles (6)
Associations secteur privé(4)
Associations secteur public(0)
Autres associations professionnelles(1)
Santé (297)
Centres de santé(3)
Assistants médicaux(19)
Infirmiers / Infirmières(0)
Laboratoires médicaux(1)
Mutuelles & Assurances Maladie(2)
Services funéraires(2)
Education - Publique (63)
Universités et écoles supérieures(8)
Ecoles secondaires(13)
Ecoles de métiers(2)
Ecoles primaires(38)
Education - Privée (70)
Universités et écoles supérieures(7)
Ecoles secondaires(20)
Ecoles de métiers(3)
Ecoles primaires(7)
Ecoles gardiennes(3)
Crèches et garderies(4)
Cours privés(1)
Support scolaire(0)
Cours de langues(1)
Cours d'informatique(4)
Beauté & Bien-être (282)
Salons de coiffure - Dames(20)
Salons de coiffure - Hommes(17)
Salons de coiffure - Mixte(174)
Coiffeurs - Coiffeuses(4)
Salons / Institus de beauté(4)
Sauna, massage & relaxation(4)
Cérémonies, Fêtes et Evénements (156)
Mariage (articles & services liés)(21)
Salles & sites de réunion, fête & réception(15)
Location tentes, chaises et matériel de décoration(93)
Location matériel de sonorisation(9)
Location vêtements traditionnels, de fête et d'événement(1)
Organisateurs de mariages et d'évènements(4)
MC (Masters of Cermonies)(2)
Abakwe Bakuru & Abavuga Imisango(0)
Troupes de danse traditionnelle(4)
Service Traiteur(0)
Chefs / cuisiniers à domicile(0)
Location autres matériels réception, fête et événement(0)
Toilettes mobiles(1)
Shopping, Vêtements, Chaussures, Bijoux & Accessoires (337)
Centre commerciaux / shopping malls(2)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Tous(171)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Femmes(3)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Hommes(0)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Enfants(14)
Magasins de chaussures(11)
Vêtements de travail - confection & vente(2)
Impression & broderie sur textile / vêtement(8)
Tissus pour vêtements(4)
Tailleurs & couturiers(87)
Meubles, Equipements, Aménagement & Accessoires Maison, Bureau et Magasin (218)
Meubles bureau(46)
Aménagement & décoration maison, magasins et bureaux(26)
Appareils électroménagers(10)
Fleurs & articles de jardin(1)
Ordinateurs, Téléphones, Son, Télé, Internet, Multimédia, Electronique & autres ICT (181)
Télévision, radio, son, vidéo & Hi-Fi(42)
Ordinateurs, logiciels, programmes informatiques & accessoires IT(47)
DVDs & vidéothèques(14)
Opérateurs Télécom & Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet(10)
Cyber cafés Internet(29)
Nourriture et Boissons (270)
Supermarchés, alimentations & épiceries(197)
Boucheries & charcuteries(19)
Boulangeries & pâtisseries(9)
Bières, alcools et soft drinks(35)
Artisanat (84)
Magasins d'objets d'art(28)
Ateliers d'artisanat(53)
Arts, Culture & Divertissement (100)
Joueurs d'instruments de musique(0)
Auteurs paroles de musique(0)
Producteurs de musique & studios d'enregistrement(2)
Ecoles, professeurs de musique(0)
Groupes de musique live(0)
Chorales non religieuses(0)
DJ (Disc Jockeys)(0)
Musique traditionnelle(0)
Scénaristes / Auteurs de cinéma(0)
Producteurs de cinéma(3)
Acteurs de cinéma(0)
Réalisateurs de film / cinéma(0)
Photographes, Cameramen, Studios Photo & Vidéo(34)
Studios de cinéma(0)
Salles de cinéma(0)
Ecoles de cinéma & photo(0)
Auteurs de théâtre(0)
Producteurs de théâtre(0)
Acteurs de théâtre(0)
Metteurs en scène de théâtre(0)
Troupes de théâtre(0)
Ecoles d'arts de la scène(0)
Cours & écoles de danse(0)
Salles, sites de théâtre, concerts & spectacles(0)
Artistes comiques(0)
Artistes peintres(0)
Artistes sculpteurs(0)
Ecoles d'arts plastiques(0)
Managers d'artistes(0)
Galéries d'art(20)
Edition & Publication(3)
Journaux & Magazines(10)
Radios & télévisions(16)
Producteurs & présentateurs d'émissions de radio & de télévision(0)
Construction, Immobilier & Maison (353)
Entrepreneurs en construction(10)
Promoteurs immobiliers(2)
Agences immobilières(0)
Ingénieur en construction(2)
Géomètres & topographes(2)
Métreurs vérificateurs / quantity surveyors(0)
Coordinateurs de chantier(0)
Maintenance bâtiments(0)
Gestionnaires de bâtiments(4)
Experts valorisateurs & consultants en immobilier(44)
Courtiers & commissionnaires en immobilier(7)
Briques, blocs ciments, béton, sable, etc.(11)
Air conditionné(2)
Ascenseurs & escalators(0)
Vitres et verres(2)
Charpentes & charpentiers(0)
Portes et fenêtres(0)
Peintres en bâtiment(0)
Aides en travaux manuels(0)
Vendeurs de peintures(20)
Energie, Eau, Environnement & Nature (10)
Producteurs d'électricité(0)
Vendeurs d'électricité(0)
Groupes électrogènes(1)
Energie solaire(4)
Producteurs d'eau potable(0)
Assainissement des eaux(0)
Consultants en eau(1)
Citernes d'eau(1)
Pompes à eau(0)
Protection de l'environnement(2)
Sécurité (3)
Entreprises de sécurité(3)
Sécurité de quartier (umudugudu)(0)
Hygiène (56)
Nettoyage bureaux & maisons(7)
Nettoyage à sec(40)
Ramassage et traitement de déchets(1)
Lavage de vitres d'immeubles(0)
Piscines - nettoyage & entretien(0)
Sports & Loisirs (40)
Clubs & salles de sport(12)
Spa, Fitness & Relaxation(7)
Equipements de sport(12)
Automobiles, Motos & Vélos (129)
Vente automobiles neuves(3)
Vente automobiles d'occasion(0)
Peinture automobile(0)
Pièces de rechange automobiles(54)
Location véhicules classiques(3)
Location véhicules cérémonies & limousines(1)
Location camionnettes et camions(3)
Commissionnaires & courtiers en véhicules(0)
Magasins de vélos & accessoires(1)
Vente et réparation de pneus(10)
Essence, diesel, gaz & autres carburants(0)
Usines, Ateliers & Fabricants (38)
Peintures, vernis et émail(0)
Outils industriels(1)
Machines, appareils & outils professionnels(2)
Agriculture (45)
Matériel et équipement agricole(2)
Engrais, fertilisants & Pesticides(5)
Transformation agroalimentaire(14)
Produits agricoles(9)
Produits d'horticulture(0)
Animaux & Elevage (47)
Matériel d'élevage(0)
Médicaments pour animaux(14)
Aliments pour bétail(0)
Produits d'élevage(0)
Produits laitiers (lait, fromages, beurres, etc.)(11)
Animaux domestiques & accessoires(0)
Aliments pour animaux domestiques(2)
Toilettage chiens & chats(0)
Associations & Société Civiles (6)
ASBL (Association Sans But Lucratif)(0)
Religion & Spiritualité (11)
Eglises, temples & mosquées(9)
Couvents et congrégations religieuses(0)
Autres institutions religieuses(1)
Chorales et musique religieuse(1)
ONG (Organisations Non Gouvernementales) (2)
ONG internationales(0)
ONG régionales(1)
ONG nationales(1)
Ambassades et coopération (13)
Ambassades étrangères(4)
Agences de coopération et de développement(9)
Organisations internationales (19)
Organismes & agences de l'ONU(13)
Organismes & agences Union Africaine(1)
Organismes & agences East African Community(1)
Communauté des Pays des Grands-Lacs(2)
Autres organisations internationales(2)
Autre catégorie (22)
Autre activité(22)

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