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Home Rwanda Gasabo District Sports & Loisirs Clubs & salles de sport Kigali Golf Club

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Kigali Golf Club

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Kigali Golf Club

Kigali Golf Club

  • Nom du business / organisation :
    Kigali Golf Club
  • Pays :
  • Province :
    City of Kigali
  • District :
  • Adresse - Brève description (ou rue et numéro) :
  • Adresse - BP and ville :
    4762 Kigali, Rwanda
  • Téléphone mobile 1 :
    +250 788 590 242
  • Téléphone mobile 2 :
    +250 78 830 14 53
  • Téléphone mobile 3 :
    +250 788 312 855
  • Email 1 :
  • Email 2 :
  • Site Internet :
  • Personne de contact 1 - titre/position :
  • Personne de contact 1 - numéro de téléphone :
    +250 788 590 242
  • Personne de contact 2 - titre/position :
  • Personne de contact 2 - numéro de téléphone :
    +250 78 830 14 53
  • Brève Description du Business / Organisation :
    The Kigali Golf Club (KGC) was opened in 1987 by the founder members. Originally known as the “Source du Nil (Source of the Nile) Golf Club”, KGC boasts of a newly refurbished Club House with a capacity of over 500 guests and a Par 72 course playable throughout the year.

    It is a long and demanding course whose distance between tees and greens qualifies for Par 3 and 4 in some cases. The committee is trying to re-design the course so as to reduce on some of these distances.

    Hole number 1, Par 3, 178 metres, Stroke Index (SI) 13, is a straight forward hole with an out of bounds on the right, a forest on the left with the green properly guarded by a water hazard and two bunkers. The average score on this hole is a 4 and most golfers dread it because it tends to awaken the sleepy ones with scores of 6 to 8.

    Hole number 2, Par 4, 388 metres, SI 11 is a straight hole downhill. This hole is in love with Golfers who can hit straight shorts as a movement to the right or left will make it a difficult par 5 immediately. It is guarded by various lateral and water hazards plus a bunker if you overshoot the green which is common during the dry season.

    Hole number 3, Par 5, 520 metres, SI 5 is one of the holes that is dreaded by the new golfers, whose average score is 8. On this hole, a golfer should not be fooled by a fantastic tee short. The fairway after the dog leg right is generous but towards the green, lateral hazards come into play. There is also an out of bounds approximately 10 metres after the Green.

    Hole number 4, Par 3, 158 metres, SI 17 is a straight forward hole although guarded by two bunkers, two water hazards on the left, one water hazard in front of the tee box with an out of bounds five metres beyond the green. One day a Golfers’ ball and an 8 iron fell in the hazard in front of the tee box. The club was recovered and the following day the same club delivered a hole in one.

    Hole number 5, par 4, 417 metres SI 1 is one of treacherous holes on this course. This hole has seen scores ranging from 3 to 15. It is a dog leg left guarded by a water hazard running across the fairway in an area where an average golfer would land his ball off the tee. It has an out of bounds on the left that runs up to the water hazard and a forest to the left up to the green. There is an out of bounds beyond the green and on the right of the fairway which is the line demarcating hole 17 from hole number 5.

    Hole number 6, Par 4, 347 metres SI 9 is an easy and straight forward hole that makes each golfer feel at home. It is a straight hole with a water hazard running across the fairway 130 metres from the green.

    Hole number 7, Par 4, 377 metres SI 3 is a straight hole with an out of bounds on the right and a water hazard running across the fairway 130 metres from the tee box. It is one hole where your game can easily end due to the wind the ease with which people go out of bounds. The current President of the Golf Club nicknamed it “kwa headmaster” literally meaning the headmasters place i.e. the neighbouring school where most golfers end.

    Hole number 8, Par 4, 359 metres SI 7 is a straight hole with out of bounds on the left towards fairway of hole 9 and to the right up to the green. It has three water hazards being a stream crossing many holes on the back 9 and two ponds just before the green.

    Hole number 9, Par 4, 340 metres SI 15 is an easy and straight forward hole that makes each golfer feel at home after a gruesome 8 holes of the front nine. It is a straight hole with a water hazard running across the fairway 70 metres from the green. Golfers that hit long can easily arrive for one when they go over the dog leg right.

    The back nine begins with a relatively easy

    Hole number 10 is a par 5, 434 metres, SI 14. The score here depends on your tee and second shots.

    Hole number 11, Par 3, 125 metres SI 18 is an easy hole protected by a bunker to the left and out of bounds to the right of the green.

    Hole number 12, Par 4, 264 metres SI 16 is an easy and straight forward hole that makes all golfers recover some lost shorts. It has a dog leg right leading to the green but a slight slice past the dog leg will send you out of bounds nicknamed after the nearby King Faisal Hospital. Good golfers arrive on the green for one and I believe it has seen the highest number of birdies and eagles on this course.

    Hole number 13, Par 4, 375 metres SI 4 is one of the most difficult holes with an out of bounds right up to the green, water hazard running across the fairway, 90 metres from the green and a lateral hazard on the left that runs up to the water hazard.

    Hole number 14, Par 5, 457 metres SI 6 is a hole loved by most golfers and has water hazard that separates the fairway from the rough after the tee box with two lateral hazard starting from the water hazard running alongside the fairways up to the green. Its fairway is generous but can prove difficult towards the green depending on the golfer’s skills.

    Hole number 15, Par 3, 170 metres Si 8 is a straight hole downhill. A pull to the left takes you out of bounds while the push to the right leads you to the rough (thick bush). It has two water hazards towards the greens and it tends to separate the boys from the men.

    Hole number 16, Par 4, 413 metres SI 2 is the longest par 4 of the course and one of the most difficult holes with an out of bounds right up to the water hazard - which is about 90 metres from the green. The score here depends on your tee shot as the dog leg right begins at 170 metres to the green. The green is protected by two green side bunkers and the rough on the left of the green.

    Hole number 17, Par 4, 332 metres SI 10 is a hole dreaded by most golfers due to the tight angle the tee shot takes over the trees, which can send you out of bounds on hole 5, into a narrow fairway starting at about 160 metres to the green. The long hitters dread it due to the forests on the right and left of the fairway.

    Hole number 18, Par 5, 483 metres SI 12 is a hole loved by most golfers and has water hazards for over 70 metres off the tee. If you are the kind of golfer that loves to hit“head ups”, then this hole may be treacherous. Its challenge is mainly hitting a ball above your feet and a bunker awaits you on the approach of the green.

    Hole number 19, Par Your Pocket, 500 guests capacity has a water hazard in the form of fridges which are supplied by the various breweries in the region. It is full of entertainment and you can make an order to suit your taste. The Golfers are friendly here as they do not give two strokes but two beers of 330ml, 500ml and 650ml depending on your choice. The club has a committee headed by a President and the affairs of the club are run by the Manager. Kigali Golf Club currently houses the Rwanda Golf Union whose leadership is also under the Rwanda Golf Union President.

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