“RWANDA COOPERATIVE AGENCY” « RCA » is a public institution in charge of regulating and promoting economic, Social, and other activities of the general interest.
National Context
The first attempt to institutionalize cooperatives in Rwanda began with the enactment of the Co-operative Ordinance 1949 that operated until the current law No. 31/1988 was enacted on 12th October 1988.
Traditionally, Rwanda had its own self-help forms that conform to the principles of self-help. Some of these forms such as Ubudehe, umubyizi and Umuganda have survived to the present day. What is true is that to date, no efforts have been made to consolidate this traditional philosophy of mutual assistance into economically oriented development initiatives.The cooperative movement in Rwanda was started as a tool for promoting colonial government and later in the 1960s the national government’s policies. The interest of colonial governments was to get resources from Rwanda for the development of their own countries.
After independence, the Government used cooperatives as instruments of implementation of its policies and plans, thus becoming a tool for politicians. This attitude led to misconception of the notion of “cooperative” with “Associations”.
Cooperatives had a false foundation in Rwanda. Although the government invested a lot of resources in them, most eventually collapsed because they lacked clear policies and strategies and the spirit of self-help among its members. The war and genocide of 1994 had further adverse effects on the rather weak cooperatives, at the level of human, material and financial resources.
In addition, to the fore going negative effects on the cooperative movement the State and development agencies including donors introduced the cultureof dependency by conditioning external assistance to the formation of cooperatives and other forms of associations. Thus, members looked at a cooperative as a means of only getting financial assistance from donors rather than as an economically productive enterprise.
Products & Services :
OUR MISSION: To develop the cooperative sector such as it serves its members equitably, efficiently and empowers them economically.
Responsibilities of RCA The main responsibilities of RCA shall be the following:
1° implementing Government policy in matters relating to cooperative organizations;
2° registering cooperative organizations and assigning to them legal personality;
3° regulating and supervising cooperative organizations including the national cooperative unions, federations and confederations;
4° setting standards and formulate professional ethics for prudent management of cooperative organizations;
5° supervising of implementation of laws and instructions governing cooperatives;
6° promoting the cooperative organizations sector;
7° assisting cooperative organizations in their capacity building through training and seminars of its members and managers;
8° promoting business entrepreneurship in the cooperative organizations sector;
9° encouraging the cooperative movement to take advantage of investment opportunities at national, regional and international levels;
10° carrying out research and studies on cooperative organizations matters and ensuring their publication;
11° advising the Government on elaborating the national policies and strategies in relation with cooperative organizations;
12° ensuring the application of laws governing cooperative organizations and other laws that cooperative organizations are requested to observe;
13° developing good relations and collaborating with other agencies carrying out similar missions at both regional and international levels.