As the preferred Regional Business Bank, Our Vision is to facilitate growth and prosperity for people across East Africa.
Our Mission is to be the leading business bank across East Africa, delivering excellent customer service through highly motivated teams and a rewarding work environment.
We are an East African Bank, looking to support trade and the development of business across the region.
We strongly believe in partnering with businesses, equipping them not only financially but also through giving solid advice and mentorship that ensures their sustainability and continued growth.
In 2004, Fina Bank acquired a formerly insolvent privately-owned commercial bank known as BACAR and transformed it into a major commercial bank. The Bank which had obtained a full banking license in 1983, was one of the first privately owned banks in the country and was under Central Bank supervision due to managerial issues. Following extensive renovations, the Bank was formally launched in 2008 with the redesign and renovation of the new Head Office along with the formation of the new SME department.
The Bank’s principal activities comprise of Corporate Banking, International Trade Financing, Retail Banking and financial service products to Corporate and established Medium and Small Businesses. These products are also available for salaried workers.
The Bank has revamped all its operations and seeks to become a leader in Small and Medium Business Banking. Fina Bank, was the first Kenyan Bank to venture into the Rwandan market and its entry into the market is part of an ambitious expansion plan that seeks to see it become the Regional Business and SME Bank of choice through its excellent customer service, cross-border products and modern look branches countrywide.
Since its entry into the Rwandan market, Fina Bank has come to be regarded as a leader among its peers.
Products & Services :
Swift Code: BARWRWRW
Fina Bank Kigali
20 Boulevard de la Révolution
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 598600
Fax: +250 252 573486
Swift Code: BARWRWRW
Fina Bank Kigali
20 Boulevard de la Révolution
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 598600
Fax: +250 252 573486
Swift Code: BARWRWRW
Remera Branch
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 580551 / 2
Fax: +250 252 580045
Ngoma Branch (Ex Kibungo)
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 566393
Fax: +250 252 566394
Karongi Branch (Ex Kibuye)
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 568305
Fax: +250 252 568203
Muhanga Branch (Ex Gitarama)
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 562798
Fax: +250 252 562796
Musanze Branch (Ex Ruhengeri)
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 546305
Fax: +250 252 547106
Rubavu Branch (Ex Gisenyi)
Rue de l’Aeroport, Rubavu
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 540071
Fax: +250 252 566394
Nyirangama Branch
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 546305
Fax: +250 252 566394
Ruhango Branch
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 562798
Fax: +250 252 566394
Nyabugogo Branch
P O Box 331 Kigali
Tel: +250 252 598601
Fax: +250 252 566394
Rusizi Branch
P O Box 331 – Kigali
Tel: +250 252 598601
Fax: +250 252 566394
Kigali City Market Branch
P O Box 331 – Kigali
Tel: +250 0252 598600
Fax: +250 0252 573486
Rubavu (Petite Barriere) Branch
P O Box 331 – Kigali
Tel: +250 252 540071
Fax: +250 252 566394
Kabarondo Branch
P O Box 331 – Kigali
Tel: +250 252 566393
Fax: +250 252 566394