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Home Switzerland Service public Ambassades du Rwanda Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

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Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

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Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

  • Nom du business / organisation :
    Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland
  • Pays :
  • Adresse - Brève description (ou rue et numéro) :
    37/39 Rue de Vermont
  • Adresse - Ville :
    1202 Geneve - CH
  • Téléphone fixe 1 :
    +41 22 9191000
  • Téléphone fixe 2 :
    + 41 22 9191001
  • Email 1 :
  • Site Internet :
  • Produits & Services :
    Services Consulaires

    Passport issues


    1. Application for Ordinary Passport:

    1. Application letter addressed to the Director General of Immigration and Emigration;
    2. One clear colored passport size photo with white background recently taken;
    3. A complete filled application form in capital letters; (Click here to download the form)
    4. Pay 70 Swiss Francs on Embassy's Account;
    5. A copy of Consular card (Consular card is issued by the Embassy);
    6. A copy of old passport or travel document the applicant used;
    7. A copy of the residence permit or identity card.


    Beneficiary: Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

    Bank name: UBS S.A.

    Account Number : 279-HU105113.4

    IBAN: CH86 0027 9279 HU 10 5113 4

    N.B: No cash payment is accepted.

    Autres Documents Administratifs délivrés par l’Ambassade

    L’Ambassade offre des services consulaires concernant les familles ainsi que pour les individus.

    L’Ambassade délivre les attestations suivantes:

    Attestation de naissance
    Attestation de célibat
    Attestation de mariage
    Attestation d’identité complète
    Laissez Passer
    Carte Consulaire de l'Ambassade
    Authentification de signatures
    Légalisation de documents administratifs

    Pour les documents ci-dessous, le service consulaire vous aide à remplir et adresser votre demande aux services appropriés au Rwanda :

    Demande de nouveau passeport rwandais
    Renouvellement de passeport rwandais
    Changement des noms
    Demande de nationalité rwandaise
    Certificat de casier judiciaire.

    Les frais consulaires pour les attestations et notification des documents ou signatures sont de 10 CHF par copie et payable d'avance sur le compte de l'Ambassade ci-après:


    Bénéficiaire: Ambassade du Rwanda en Suisse

    Banque: UBS S.A.

    Numéro de compte: 279-HU105113.4

    IBAN: CH86 0027 9279 5113 HU 10 4


    N.B: Aucun paiement en espèces est accepté.

    Visa issuing

    A new Immigration law has introduced different classes of Visas and residence Permits to cater for different purposes of visiting, working, or residing in Rwanda.Each category of visa or permit shall have a corresponding fee. The repealed Immigration law had only five categories of visas which made it difficult to manage entry and stay of foreigners(Click here for more information and details!).

    For this reason, starting from 20th June 2011, the Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland will issue visas accrording to the new Immigration law.(For further information, please contact the Embassy visa section on this following number: +41229191000 or by email:

    In view of the bilateral agreements, the Nationals of the following Countries may visit Rwanda without visa for a period up to 90 days: USA, Germany, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Mauritius, South Africa, Kenya, Great Britain, Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong and Burundi.

    *The visitor’s visa should not used for employment.


    Travel Document: An applicant shall be holder of a valid passport or another acceptable travel document. The document must have a validity of at least 6 months on the day of entry in Rwanda.

    Health Requirements: A vaccination certificate may be required at the border post. In the event of a major disease outbreak, specific requirements could be set and put to the knowledge of the applicants.

    Visa Fees: These are fees for processing of applications. If applications are refused, or withdrawn by the applicant, refunds of fees will not be made.

    Validity of Visas: The maximum and Minimum period of validity of visas is set out in the Information for Applicants for each visa class.

    Single or Multiple Entries: Whether a visa will usually be issued for single or multiple entries is set out in the Information for Applicants for each visa class.

    Financial Requirements: An applicant must have sufficient funds to cover the costs of their stay in Rwanda. Evidence for such funds may be requested online, at the Rwandan foreign mission or at the entry point.

    Extension of Visas for Some Classes: Some visa classes may be extended. Details are set out in the Information for Applicants for each class.

    Extensions of visas should be applied for whilst initial visas remain valid.

    A period of grace also allows a visa holder 5 days after their visa expires to depart the country, without penalty. Persons who depart more than 5 days after the expiry of their visa may be subject to a fine and may be refused a further visa.

    Change of Status for Some Classes: An applicant may apply to the Director General for another class of visa whilst they are in Rwanda and whilst their current visa remains valid.

    For the Group tourist visa change of status is not permitted. Information for Applicants for the particular visa classes will state if change of status is not allowed.

    Verification of Documents: Documents, supporting applications, must be originals or certified as true copies by the issuing authority.

    Categories of Visas

    The Embassy and Permanent Mission of Rwanda in Switzerland issues the following visas :

    1.V-1 Entry visa category

    Class V-1 (m) Multiple Entry Visa: 50 CHF

    2. Q-Transit Visa category

    Q-1 Transit visa : 30 CHF. Single entry. Validity period of 72 hours.

    3. Tourist Visa category

    T2-Tourist : 45 CHF. Multiple entry. Validity period of 90 days.

    T3-Family : 45 CHF. May be up to Multiple entry with convincing evidence. Validity period up to 90 days.

    T4-Official Diplomat : GRATIS/ Free of Charge. The Application should be accompanied by a letter from the Applicant's government, or the international organization which employs him/her, stating the purpose of the visit and its duration.

    T6-Conference : T6-1: 30 CHF (Single entry) and T6-2: 45 CHF (Multiple entry)

    T7-Business : 45 CHF. Multiple entry. The validity is 90 days. May be extended once at the Immigration office in Rwanda.

    T8-Medical Treatment : 15 CHF. The validity period is 90days with Multiple entry. Applicants must be able to confirm:* Appointment to a public health facility or private clinic signed by the competent medical practitioner of that facility; * They have realistic plans to return to their home country.

    T9-Group Tourist : 85 CHF/per group of 4 to 10 people. A person who is traveling as a member of a group of four to ten tourists individually or organized by a tour operator. A tour operator is a tour or travel agent registered to operate in Rwanda. Persons eligible for this visa will be required to enter Rwanda with other members of the group and exit Rwanda as members of the group. If applicants anticipate to enter Rwanda separately as individual visitors should apply for another class of tourist visa. A group visa will be issued for each member of the group. Tour operators should lodge an application covering all members of the group at the same time using the online facility or at Embassies. Tour operators lodging applications will be held liable for the information they provide on behalf of applicants. Visa Extension: Visitor visas may be extended up to a maximum length of stay of 180 days. Applicants shall apply to the Director General for an extension. Applications must be made whilst the current visa remains valid.Tour operators would apply for an extension for the whole group at the one time.


    One Clear colored passport size photo with white background recently taken without glasses, caps, and scurf; (the photo should be attached to the application form by use of glue stick. Stapling and clipping the photo to the application form is not advisable).
    A complete filled application form downloaded from: (Click here to download visa application form!)
    Travel document: Any genuine acceptable travel document valid not less than 6 months.
    Present an invitation letter and a copy of the round-trip ticket reservation.
    Present an international vaccination card against yellow fever.
    Visa fees are paid in advance and in Swiss Francs to the following Embassy's Bank account details:

    Beneficiary: Embassy of Rwanda in Switzerland

    Bank name: UBS S.A.

    Account Number : 279-HU105113.4

    IBAN: CH86 0027 9279 HU 10 5113 4

    N.B: No cash payment is accepted. It is possible to send all the documents for visa application by registered mail with a pre-stamped envelope for the return/Une enveloppe recommandée.
  • Opening days and hours :
    Ambassade/Mission Permanente
    Du Lundi au Vendredi:
    9h00 - 13h00
    14h00 - 18h00

    Services Consulaires
    Du Lundi au Jeudi
    9h00 - 13h00
    14h00 - 16h30

    Vendredi: 9h00 -13h00

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Restaurants, Bars, Cafés & Loisirs (470)
Restaurants & Pizzerias(186)
Bars, Cafés & Snacks(117)
Parcs pour enfants(3)
Nigth clubs(10)
Voyage, Tourisme & Transports (203)
Agences de Voyage & Tour Opérateurs(41)
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Services funéraires(2)
Education - Publique (63)
Universités et écoles supérieures(8)
Ecoles secondaires(13)
Ecoles de métiers(2)
Ecoles primaires(38)
Education - Privée (70)
Universités et écoles supérieures(7)
Ecoles secondaires(20)
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Sauna, massage & relaxation(4)
Cérémonies, Fêtes et Evénements (156)
Mariage (articles & services liés)(21)
Salles & sites de réunion, fête & réception(15)
Location tentes, chaises et matériel de décoration(93)
Location matériel de sonorisation(9)
Location vêtements traditionnels, de fête et d'événement(1)
Organisateurs de mariages et d'évènements(4)
MC (Masters of Cermonies)(2)
Abakwe Bakuru & Abavuga Imisango(0)
Troupes de danse traditionnelle(4)
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Chefs / cuisiniers à domicile(0)
Location autres matériels réception, fête et événement(0)
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Shopping, Vêtements, Chaussures, Bijoux & Accessoires (337)
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Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Femmes(3)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Hommes(0)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Enfants(14)
Magasins de chaussures(11)
Vêtements de travail - confection & vente(2)
Impression & broderie sur textile / vêtement(8)
Tissus pour vêtements(4)
Tailleurs & couturiers(87)
Meubles, Equipements, Aménagement & Accessoires Maison, Bureau et Magasin (218)
Meubles bureau(46)
Aménagement & décoration maison, magasins et bureaux(26)
Appareils électroménagers(10)
Fleurs & articles de jardin(1)
Ordinateurs, Téléphones, Son, Télé, Internet, Multimédia, Electronique & autres ICT (181)
Télévision, radio, son, vidéo & Hi-Fi(42)
Ordinateurs, logiciels, programmes informatiques & accessoires IT(47)
DVDs & vidéothèques(14)
Opérateurs Télécom & Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet(10)
Cyber cafés Internet(29)
Nourriture et Boissons (270)
Supermarchés, alimentations & épiceries(197)
Boucheries & charcuteries(19)
Boulangeries & pâtisseries(9)
Bières, alcools et soft drinks(35)
Artisanat (84)
Magasins d'objets d'art(28)
Ateliers d'artisanat(53)
Arts, Culture & Divertissement (100)
Joueurs d'instruments de musique(0)
Auteurs paroles de musique(0)
Producteurs de musique & studios d'enregistrement(2)
Ecoles, professeurs de musique(0)
Groupes de musique live(0)
Chorales non religieuses(0)
DJ (Disc Jockeys)(0)
Musique traditionnelle(0)
Scénaristes / Auteurs de cinéma(0)
Producteurs de cinéma(3)
Acteurs de cinéma(0)
Réalisateurs de film / cinéma(0)
Photographes, Cameramen, Studios Photo & Vidéo(34)
Studios de cinéma(0)
Salles de cinéma(0)
Ecoles de cinéma & photo(0)
Auteurs de théâtre(0)
Producteurs de théâtre(0)
Acteurs de théâtre(0)
Metteurs en scène de théâtre(0)
Troupes de théâtre(0)
Ecoles d'arts de la scène(0)
Cours & écoles de danse(0)
Salles, sites de théâtre, concerts & spectacles(0)
Artistes comiques(0)
Artistes peintres(0)
Artistes sculpteurs(0)
Ecoles d'arts plastiques(0)
Managers d'artistes(0)
Galéries d'art(20)
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Construction, Immobilier & Maison (353)
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Promoteurs immobiliers(2)
Agences immobilières(0)
Ingénieur en construction(2)
Géomètres & topographes(2)
Métreurs vérificateurs / quantity surveyors(0)
Coordinateurs de chantier(0)
Maintenance bâtiments(0)
Gestionnaires de bâtiments(4)
Experts valorisateurs & consultants en immobilier(44)
Courtiers & commissionnaires en immobilier(7)
Briques, blocs ciments, béton, sable, etc.(11)
Air conditionné(2)
Ascenseurs & escalators(0)
Vitres et verres(2)
Charpentes & charpentiers(0)
Portes et fenêtres(0)
Peintres en bâtiment(0)
Aides en travaux manuels(0)
Vendeurs de peintures(20)
Energie, Eau, Environnement & Nature (10)
Producteurs d'électricité(0)
Vendeurs d'électricité(0)
Groupes électrogènes(1)
Energie solaire(4)
Producteurs d'eau potable(0)
Assainissement des eaux(0)
Consultants en eau(1)
Citernes d'eau(1)
Pompes à eau(0)
Protection de l'environnement(2)
Sécurité (3)
Entreprises de sécurité(3)
Sécurité de quartier (umudugudu)(0)
Hygiène (56)
Nettoyage bureaux & maisons(7)
Nettoyage à sec(40)
Ramassage et traitement de déchets(1)
Lavage de vitres d'immeubles(0)
Piscines - nettoyage & entretien(0)
Sports & Loisirs (40)
Clubs & salles de sport(12)
Spa, Fitness & Relaxation(7)
Equipements de sport(12)
Automobiles, Motos & Vélos (129)
Vente automobiles neuves(3)
Vente automobiles d'occasion(0)
Peinture automobile(0)
Pièces de rechange automobiles(54)
Location véhicules classiques(3)
Location véhicules cérémonies & limousines(1)
Location camionnettes et camions(3)
Commissionnaires & courtiers en véhicules(0)
Magasins de vélos & accessoires(1)
Vente et réparation de pneus(10)
Essence, diesel, gaz & autres carburants(0)
Usines, Ateliers & Fabricants (38)
Peintures, vernis et émail(0)
Outils industriels(1)
Machines, appareils & outils professionnels(2)
Agriculture (45)
Matériel et équipement agricole(2)
Engrais, fertilisants & Pesticides(5)
Transformation agroalimentaire(14)
Produits agricoles(9)
Produits d'horticulture(0)
Animaux & Elevage (47)
Matériel d'élevage(0)
Médicaments pour animaux(14)
Aliments pour bétail(0)
Produits d'élevage(0)
Produits laitiers (lait, fromages, beurres, etc.)(11)
Animaux domestiques & accessoires(0)
Aliments pour animaux domestiques(2)
Toilettage chiens & chats(0)
Associations & Société Civiles (6)
ASBL (Association Sans But Lucratif)(0)
Religion & Spiritualité (11)
Eglises, temples & mosquées(9)
Couvents et congrégations religieuses(0)
Autres institutions religieuses(1)
Chorales et musique religieuse(1)
ONG (Organisations Non Gouvernementales) (2)
ONG internationales(0)
ONG régionales(1)
ONG nationales(1)
Ambassades et coopération (13)
Ambassades étrangères(4)
Agences de coopération et de développement(9)
Organisations internationales (19)
Organismes & agences de l'ONU(13)
Organismes & agences Union Africaine(1)
Organismes & agences East African Community(1)
Communauté des Pays des Grands-Lacs(2)
Autres organisations internationales(2)
Autre catégorie (22)
Autre activité(22)

Language Selection
