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Home Rwanda Nyarugenge District Golden Hills Hotel

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ID : SHA9103598

Golden Hills Hotel

User Publish@Shakisha      Hit Counter 7895
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  • Nom du business / organisation :
    Golden Hills Hotel
  • Pays :
  • Province :
    City of Kigali
  • District :
  • Adresse - Brève description (ou rue et numéro) :
    Kiyovu, besides Chez Robert Restaurant
  • Adresse - BP and ville :
    1992, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Téléphone fixe 1 :
    +250 252 500 230
  • Téléphone mobile 1 :
    +250 788 389 715
  • Téléphone mobile 2 :
    +250 788 382 553
  • Téléphone mobile 3 :
    +250 788 389 023
  • Email 1 :
  • Site Internet :
  • Brève Description du Business / Organisation :
    Golden Hills is a brand new four stars hotel with 23 deluxe rooms and 8 suites

    The Golden Hills is situated at the center Kigali, the ambassadorial and commercial heart of Rwanda and the city's pre-eminent meeting place for diplomats and busines people.

    Getting There:

    Golden Hills Hotel is located at the heart of Kigali city.
    It is 15 minutes of each point of the city of Kigali.
    It is only a 5 minutes walking distance to all central facilities like UTC shopping mall, large supermarkets and international banks.
    Rental cars and taxis are available at the airport and in town. Private cars may also be hired to chauffer you within the city.
  • Produits & Services :
    Rooms and Suites

    Rooms and Suites at Golden Hills Hotel are truly luxurious and stylish. With ample space, all rooms and suites have large windows that allow you to enjoy the daylight and views, bringing the stunning natural environment into your interior space. You will enjoy comfortable couches, great interior décor features, and rich fabric. The rooms and suites are well insulated, smoke-free environment and with state-of-the-art ventilation to ensure that you enjoy your stay with us.

    Royal Suite
    The ultimate room. Comes complete with a Jacuzzi for two, generous living area with leather couches, 26" flat screen TV, dining furniture, and a custom designed bed complete with storage unit. It includes oversized sliding glass doors that opens to a furnished terrace. This is the place to be with you favourite other. Unwind in style and let all your worries melt away from the moment you step inside this room.

    Family Suite
    With a spacious entrance, lockable doors that provides a unique partition and each partition with its private living area and bathroom, the family suite offers elegant combination is ideal for small families or couples looking for a little more living space.

    Executive Suite
    An indulgent room. Complete with a bar and a fridge to guarantee maximum satisfaction. The bed and bedding's are a rich mix of gold and white to give you a kingly reception. The view from our large glass windows also allows ample daylight during the day.

    Comfort Suite
    You will always find comfort here. You have all that you need from a private spacious bath to a lovely resting space. 100% cotton sheets, firm mattress and tasty furnishings sets the atmosphere of tranquility.

    Deluxe Comfort
    To nourish mind and body you need an environment that is suitable. We have what suits you to make your stay here memorable because you will bid us farewell feeling well taken care all round.

    Standard Deluxe Twin
    To get away from the pressures of life, run to us and we shall give you just what you are looking for. Away on business? You need a place to unwind after a hard day. This room has all the comforts that you may need.

    Deluxe Single Occupancy
    No need to worry. You shall not feel alone. The room is complete with a TV, bar, coffee maker and the decor makes you feel warm and welcome.

    Golden Hills Hotel rooms and suites are equipped with:

    Personal safe
    Bath amenities
    Large bathtubs
    Personal Refrigerator
    Coffee set up including
    Custom designed mattress
    Flat screen Hi Definition TVs
    Twice daily housekeeping service
    Complimentary hi speed wireless access
    100% cotton sheets, towels, bath mats, bathrobes
    Glass bar complete with glasses and stocked as per request

    Golden Hills Bar and Restaurant
    An excellent choice for breakfast, lunch, dinner or drinks. Golden Hills relies upon locally sourced and sustainable menu ingredients in creative presentations. The distinct tastes, textures and colors found in the kitchen draw inspiration from traditional African cuisine combined with the creative artistry of our experienced chef.

    There is a private dining room for special events and an intimate dining counter for a quick get-together. Extensive menu also includes grass fed, free range beef and pork, organic vegetables & fruits.

    Golden restaurant offers a dynamic and delicious dining experience. The menu includes foods from across the globe.

    Fantastic wine list offers approximately 50 selections. The 65-seat dining room opens up to a large fabulous balcony, complete with comfortable dining furniture. The restaurant is open for lunch daily 11:30am–2:30pm; a café menu is served daily 2:30pm–5:30pm; dinner 6:30–10:00pm.

    At dinner time, A la carte and Barbeque menu are provided. Buffet also available on special request.

    Golden restaurant also offers plenty of scrumptious items to take on the go, for those who want to bring a healthy, satisfying breakfast or snack with them on any adventure.

    The Golden bar is lively with dynamic space for locals and visitors alike to congregate and savor the delicious flavors of drinks that we proudly stock. A warm and inviting spot for coffee and tea alike or other soft drinks.

    Relaxing, golden bar is dedicated to stocking brands from across continents, offering a wide variety for our traveled guests. You can be sure to enjoy your favorite brand and feel at home.

    With supreme warm lighting and comfortable furniture, golden bar offers the ideal spot to enjoy a drink in the company of friends and associates.

    Meetings and Events

    Ideal for corporate meetings, weddings, family reunions or other special events.

    Two conference rooms with state of the art furniture for meetings and receptions. The conference rooms can each accommodate up to 15 persons and one has a private bathroom to freshen up. The chairs are well padded to guarantee comfort. We have your health in mind. The location guarantees peace and privacy and it can open to a large balcony with a fantastic view.

    With these classy rooms, the hotel brings its version of luxury to the next level, drawing corporate and incentive groups, weddings, and other golden hills enthusiasts looking for vibrant design, a friendly attentive staff and sustainable operations.

    Outdoor Meeting and Events

    From trees to grass to flowers, the scenery is simply breath taking. Be it for leisure, quick business meetings or family reunion, you cannot afford to ignore the beautiful landscaping. There is enough room to give the feeling of privacy and the beautiful Kigali weather always makes outdoor experience even more wonderful.

    Services and Facilities

    Complimentary access to a large rooftop balcony complete with outdoor chairs, tables and umbrellas to guarantee perfect view of our garden and beautiful Rwanda hills.

    Airport shuttle services
    Twice daily housekeeping
    Ample secure parking space
    Front Desk and Guest Services staff
    Storage facilities for extra large baggage
    Free wireless access throughout the property.

Service public (140)
Agences & organismes gouvernementaux(31)
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Administration locale(35)
Hôtels & logements (335)
Motels & Auberges(48)
Lodges & Guest Houses(118)
Chambres d'hôte (Bed & Breakfast)(5)
Logement long & court séjour(17)
Restaurants, Bars, Cafés & Loisirs (470)
Restaurants & Pizzerias(186)
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Voyage, Tourisme & Transports (203)
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Mariage (articles & services liés)(21)
Salles & sites de réunion, fête & réception(15)
Location tentes, chaises et matériel de décoration(93)
Location matériel de sonorisation(9)
Location vêtements traditionnels, de fête et d'événement(1)
Organisateurs de mariages et d'évènements(4)
MC (Masters of Cermonies)(2)
Abakwe Bakuru & Abavuga Imisango(0)
Troupes de danse traditionnelle(4)
Service Traiteur(0)
Chefs / cuisiniers à domicile(0)
Location autres matériels réception, fête et événement(0)
Toilettes mobiles(1)
Shopping, Vêtements, Chaussures, Bijoux & Accessoires (337)
Centre commerciaux / shopping malls(2)
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Magasins de chaussures(11)
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Tissus pour vêtements(4)
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Meubles, Equipements, Aménagement & Accessoires Maison, Bureau et Magasin (218)
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Maintenance bâtiments(0)
Gestionnaires de bâtiments(4)
Experts valorisateurs & consultants en immobilier(44)
Courtiers & commissionnaires en immobilier(7)
Briques, blocs ciments, béton, sable, etc.(11)
Air conditionné(2)
Ascenseurs & escalators(0)
Vitres et verres(2)
Charpentes & charpentiers(0)
Portes et fenêtres(0)
Peintres en bâtiment(0)
Aides en travaux manuels(0)
Vendeurs de peintures(20)
Energie, Eau, Environnement & Nature (10)
Producteurs d'électricité(0)
Vendeurs d'électricité(0)
Groupes électrogènes(1)
Energie solaire(4)
Producteurs d'eau potable(0)
Assainissement des eaux(0)
Consultants en eau(1)
Citernes d'eau(1)
Pompes à eau(0)
Protection de l'environnement(2)
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Entreprises de sécurité(3)
Sécurité de quartier (umudugudu)(0)
Hygiène (56)
Nettoyage bureaux & maisons(7)
Nettoyage à sec(40)
Ramassage et traitement de déchets(1)
Lavage de vitres d'immeubles(0)
Piscines - nettoyage & entretien(0)
Sports & Loisirs (40)
Clubs & salles de sport(12)
Spa, Fitness & Relaxation(7)
Equipements de sport(12)
Automobiles, Motos & Vélos (129)
Vente automobiles neuves(3)
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Pièces de rechange automobiles(54)
Location véhicules classiques(3)
Location véhicules cérémonies & limousines(1)
Location camionnettes et camions(3)
Commissionnaires & courtiers en véhicules(0)
Magasins de vélos & accessoires(1)
Vente et réparation de pneus(10)
Essence, diesel, gaz & autres carburants(0)
Usines, Ateliers & Fabricants (38)
Peintures, vernis et émail(0)
Outils industriels(1)
Machines, appareils & outils professionnels(2)
Agriculture (45)
Matériel et équipement agricole(2)
Engrais, fertilisants & Pesticides(5)
Transformation agroalimentaire(14)
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Produits d'horticulture(0)
Animaux & Elevage (47)
Matériel d'élevage(0)
Médicaments pour animaux(14)
Aliments pour bétail(0)
Produits d'élevage(0)
Produits laitiers (lait, fromages, beurres, etc.)(11)
Animaux domestiques & accessoires(0)
Aliments pour animaux domestiques(2)
Toilettage chiens & chats(0)
Associations & Société Civiles (6)
ASBL (Association Sans But Lucratif)(0)
Religion & Spiritualité (11)
Eglises, temples & mosquées(9)
Couvents et congrégations religieuses(0)
Autres institutions religieuses(1)
Chorales et musique religieuse(1)
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