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Home Rwanda Gasabo District Avocats, Juristes & Notaires Avocats & Juristes FOUNTAIN LAW CHAMBERS

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  • Nom du business / organisation :
  • Pays :
  • Province :
    City of Kigali
  • District :
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  • Adresse - Brève description (ou rue et numéro) :
    2nd Floor, KBC Complex, Office No-C25
  • Adresse - Ville :
    Kigali, Rwanda
  • Adresse - BP and ville :
    6368, Kigali, Rwanda
  • Téléphone fixe 1 :
    +250 - 55101721
  • Fax 1 :
    +250 - 55101721
  • Email 1 :
  • Site Internet :
  • Brève Description du Business / Organisation :
    Fountain Law Chambers is a firm established in 2006 as a dynamic and modern Rwandan law firm of legal consultants and advocates. The foundation of our practice is Business and corporate law, Employment law, Human rights, Environment and Land Law among others. Besides, The Firm ensures first class and high quality technical and managerial consulting services to corporate entities, Government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations and individuals in a wide range of disciplines. As a Rwandan law firm in this globalised world, we notice that clients require more services from their lawyers than ever. Clients not only expect their lawyers to provide impeccable advice but also lawyers they can trust but also expect their lawyers’ to offer independence, integrity and fidelity beyond question.

    We base our practice on concrete assumption on such expectations and it is our goal to meet and even exceed them. The firm is one of Rwanda’s leading law firms and prides itself in having competent advocates and experienced associates providing world-class legal advisory and consultancy services.

    Fountain Law chambers is one of the most reputable Law Firms of attorneys regarded highly for its professional service and continued client commitment. The Firm delivers legal solutions to its clients by familiarising themselves with their needs and understanding their commercial and personal objectives. We endeavour to develop close working relationships with our clients and are committed to succeed. We offer a wide range of services to financial, property, retail, corporate and private clients - ensuring that clients have access to the skills and resources aimed at solving a diverse range of legal problems.
  • Produits & Services :
    Practice Areas

    The Firm’s office is structured through practice groups and business lines; we are organized around client needs and coordinate special teams to serve our client base. As clients demand cross-practice solutions, our office has responded with the creation and development of a full range of the following practices based on available Legal expertise:

    Corporate Law:

    We advise on the legal requirements for doing business in Rwanda, including the procedures for setting up a business in Rwanda, the most efficient tax structures and any other authorizations that may be required. In order to reflect the arrangements among shareholders and between new companies and their technical partners, we assist in the drafting of various agreements such as, shareholders agreements, joint venture agreements subscription agreements and technical and management services agreements.

    Employment Law:

    The work of the team fits closely with Chambers' core ethos of defending individual rights and freedoms. Members generally, albeit not exclusively, represent Claimants, and are frequently instructed by trade unions, all areas of employment law are covered, there is a particular emphasis on industrial, trade union, discrimination, equal pay and public law.

    Taxation Law:

    The firm has a strong Tax Department which is commended for providing solid advice on tax planning and litigation to its domestic and international clients.

    Banking and Finance Law:

    Fountain Chambers advises on all aspects of commercial banking and lending business. Work also includes trade finance, project finance and term finance transaction. The department supports borrowers, lenders, issuers, lead managers and trustees on debt, syndicated lending, drafting and registration of security documents, debt collection, and other private finance initiatives.

    Aviation Law:

    Fountain Law Chambers prides of experienced attorneys competent to handle aviation and aviation related work ranging from Aircraft purchases, sales, leasing and financing, aircraft certification and registration, aviation claims, personal injuries, cargo and baggage claims.
    The Firm also boasts of one of the very few Aviation law specialists in Rwanda. The Firm is developing a number of international airlines on its client roster for convenient execution of their business.

    Construction Law:

    Rwanda is currently experiencing unprecedented development of construction industry. At Fountain Law Chambers, we advise clients on the procedures of establishing construction companies, best modalities of construction, dispute settlement and most efficient tax regimes. The firm acts routinely for traditional construction corporations, and has acted as property and estate managers for landlords based locally and abroad.

    Security/Regulatory Matters:

    Capital market in Rwanda is a new but deeply entrenched and embraced aspect in the economy life of the country. At the Chambers, we have responded by equipping our staff with appropriate trainings to handle cross border listings, initial public offerings and bond listings on Rwanda Securities Exchange. The Firm prides of unparalleled record after gaining a wealth of experience in this field of law.

    Mergers and Aquisitions:

    We facilitate corporate mergers and acquisitions for our clients, while making successful merger-and-acquisition deals in normal times. This we do knowing that making merger and acquisition in a slippery economy requires much more care and expertise. Our team particularly undertakes to structure the best deal and negotiate to our clients advantage, analyze legal and tax implications in the light of Law, analyze acquisition contract and undertake due diligence checklists.

    Media and Entertainment Law:

    Rwanda’s medial law is currently being revamped. The Firm is taking a keen look in the development of media and has worked with some of the leading media institutions, involving, Radio, Newspapers, Film and Music Production and all other aspects of copyright law and copyright infringement. We represent the largest private filming, editing and music production company in Rwanda, the largest private commercial radio in Rwanda.

    Conveyance Law:

    Our Firm executes a tremendous amount of conveyance work and this is one of its largest areas of practice. The Firm specialises in all kinds of land transactions including but not limited to mortgages, charges, debentures, purchases, sales, leases and transfers and all manner of litigation attendant thereto. This Firm advises foreign and local institutional investors, developers, and surveyors and does a lot of due diligence work regarding development

    Information Technology Law:

    Fountain Law Chambers prides of experienced attorneys competent to handle Information Technology/E-commerce for both domestic and international dealings, transactions, arrangements, agreements, contracts and exchanges and storage of information through the utilization of electronic, optical and similar medium, mode, instrumentality and technology to recognize the authenticity and reliability of electronic documents related to such activities and to promote the universal use of electronic transaction in the government and general public.

    Intellectual Property:

    We are the leading Intellectual property Agency in Rwanda. We act for local and international clients on registration and protection of all forms of intellectual property, technology, trademarks, patents and copyright law.

    Criminal Law:

    We are recognized as one of the leading Chambers specializing in criminal defense work and is listed as such in the main legal directories. We cover all areas of crime, particularly serious crime, and provide advice and advocacy of the highest standard however minor or grave the charge.

    Human Rights Law:

    Fountain Chambers is dedicated to the support and advancement of human rights, and this is integral to all areas of our work. Our staff at the Chambers have taken many of the key cases under Human Rights and have been closely involved in the development of international human rights law.

    Constitutional Law:

    The 2003 Constitution of Rwanda was adopted by the referendum of 26th May 2003 and came into force on 4th June 2003. Most significantly, the Constitution includes a Bill of Rights, which enshrines the fundamental rights enjoyed by all persons and groups. We have extensive experience and knowledge in the constitution appeals and applications.

    Arbitration Law:

    At Fountain Law Chambers, we believe in alternative resolution of disputes, and regard courts as a last resort option. We have therefore been involved in a substantial amount of arbitration, mediation and negotiation proceedings and have secured countless out of court settlements on behalf our clients. These settlements have saved our clients time, expense and other constraints of unnecessary litigation.

    Environmental Law:

    Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) came into operation in 2005. REMA's primary purpose is to provide for co-operative environmental governance by establishing principles for decision-making on all matters affecting the environment. REMA also establishes procedures and cooperates with institutions that promote public participation in environmental management. At Fountain Chambers we advise on compliance with environmental legislation and assessments and audits.

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Lodges & Guest Houses(118)
Chambres d'hôte (Bed & Breakfast)(5)
Logement long & court séjour(17)
Restaurants, Bars, Cafés & Loisirs (470)
Restaurants & Pizzerias(186)
Bars, Cafés & Snacks(117)
Parcs pour enfants(3)
Nigth clubs(10)
Voyage, Tourisme & Transports (203)
Agences de Voyage & Tour Opérateurs(41)
Location de véhicules(5)
Taxis voitures(13)
Taxis bus / mini-bus(44)
Taxis motos(1)
Compagnies aériennes(15)
Gares routières(0)
Parcs nationaux(1)
Transport de marchandises et cargo(22)
Banques, Assurances & Finance (79)
Bureaux de change(31)
Courtiers en assurances(6)
Transfert d'argent(1)
Avocats, Juristes & Notaires (54)
Avocats & Juristes(25)
Barreaux / associations d'avocats(28)
Services Professionnels (281)
Audit, Comptabilité, Fiscalité & Consultance(28)
Auditeurs externes (individuels)(31)
Consultants en Tax(28)
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Consultants en Stratégie(2)
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Consultants & spécialistes en IT(20)
Concepteurs & développeurs sites web, logiciels, programmeurs & spécialistes IT(5)
Imprimeries & Photocopies(28)
Secrétariats publics(9)
Associations professionnelles (6)
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Centres de santé(3)
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Infirmiers / Infirmières(0)
Laboratoires médicaux(1)
Mutuelles & Assurances Maladie(2)
Services funéraires(2)
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Ecoles primaires(38)
Education - Privée (70)
Universités et écoles supérieures(7)
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Ecoles primaires(7)
Ecoles gardiennes(3)
Crèches et garderies(4)
Cours privés(1)
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Cours d'informatique(4)
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Salons de coiffure - Mixte(174)
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Salons / Institus de beauté(4)
Sauna, massage & relaxation(4)
Cérémonies, Fêtes et Evénements (156)
Mariage (articles & services liés)(21)
Salles & sites de réunion, fête & réception(15)
Location tentes, chaises et matériel de décoration(93)
Location matériel de sonorisation(9)
Location vêtements traditionnels, de fête et d'événement(1)
Organisateurs de mariages et d'évènements(4)
MC (Masters of Cermonies)(2)
Abakwe Bakuru & Abavuga Imisango(0)
Troupes de danse traditionnelle(4)
Service Traiteur(0)
Chefs / cuisiniers à domicile(0)
Location autres matériels réception, fête et événement(0)
Toilettes mobiles(1)
Shopping, Vêtements, Chaussures, Bijoux & Accessoires (337)
Centre commerciaux / shopping malls(2)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Tous(171)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Femmes(3)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Hommes(0)
Magasins de vêtements & accessoires - Enfants(14)
Magasins de chaussures(11)
Vêtements de travail - confection & vente(2)
Impression & broderie sur textile / vêtement(8)
Tissus pour vêtements(4)
Tailleurs & couturiers(87)
Meubles, Equipements, Aménagement & Accessoires Maison, Bureau et Magasin (218)
Meubles bureau(46)
Aménagement & décoration maison, magasins et bureaux(26)
Appareils électroménagers(10)
Fleurs & articles de jardin(1)
Ordinateurs, Téléphones, Son, Télé, Internet, Multimédia, Electronique & autres ICT (181)
Télévision, radio, son, vidéo & Hi-Fi(42)
Ordinateurs, logiciels, programmes informatiques & accessoires IT(47)
DVDs & vidéothèques(14)
Opérateurs Télécom & Fournisseurs d'Accès à Internet(10)
Cyber cafés Internet(29)
Nourriture et Boissons (270)
Supermarchés, alimentations & épiceries(197)
Boucheries & charcuteries(19)
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Bières, alcools et soft drinks(35)
Artisanat (84)
Magasins d'objets d'art(28)
Ateliers d'artisanat(53)
Arts, Culture & Divertissement (100)
Joueurs d'instruments de musique(0)
Auteurs paroles de musique(0)
Producteurs de musique & studios d'enregistrement(2)
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Chorales non religieuses(0)
DJ (Disc Jockeys)(0)
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Scénaristes / Auteurs de cinéma(0)
Producteurs de cinéma(3)
Acteurs de cinéma(0)
Réalisateurs de film / cinéma(0)
Photographes, Cameramen, Studios Photo & Vidéo(34)
Studios de cinéma(0)
Salles de cinéma(0)
Ecoles de cinéma & photo(0)
Auteurs de théâtre(0)
Producteurs de théâtre(0)
Acteurs de théâtre(0)
Metteurs en scène de théâtre(0)
Troupes de théâtre(0)
Ecoles d'arts de la scène(0)
Cours & écoles de danse(0)
Salles, sites de théâtre, concerts & spectacles(0)
Artistes comiques(0)
Artistes peintres(0)
Artistes sculpteurs(0)
Ecoles d'arts plastiques(0)
Managers d'artistes(0)
Galéries d'art(20)
Edition & Publication(3)
Journaux & Magazines(10)
Radios & télévisions(16)
Producteurs & présentateurs d'émissions de radio & de télévision(0)
Construction, Immobilier & Maison (353)
Entrepreneurs en construction(10)
Promoteurs immobiliers(2)
Agences immobilières(0)
Ingénieur en construction(2)
Géomètres & topographes(2)
Métreurs vérificateurs / quantity surveyors(0)
Coordinateurs de chantier(0)
Maintenance bâtiments(0)
Gestionnaires de bâtiments(4)
Experts valorisateurs & consultants en immobilier(44)
Courtiers & commissionnaires en immobilier(7)
Briques, blocs ciments, béton, sable, etc.(11)
Air conditionné(2)
Ascenseurs & escalators(0)
Vitres et verres(2)
Charpentes & charpentiers(0)
Portes et fenêtres(0)
Peintres en bâtiment(0)
Aides en travaux manuels(0)
Vendeurs de peintures(20)
Energie, Eau, Environnement & Nature (10)
Producteurs d'électricité(0)
Vendeurs d'électricité(0)
Groupes électrogènes(1)
Energie solaire(4)
Producteurs d'eau potable(0)
Assainissement des eaux(0)
Consultants en eau(1)
Citernes d'eau(1)
Pompes à eau(0)
Protection de l'environnement(2)
Sécurité (3)
Entreprises de sécurité(3)
Sécurité de quartier (umudugudu)(0)
Hygiène (56)
Nettoyage bureaux & maisons(7)
Nettoyage à sec(40)
Ramassage et traitement de déchets(1)
Lavage de vitres d'immeubles(0)
Piscines - nettoyage & entretien(0)
Sports & Loisirs (40)
Clubs & salles de sport(12)
Spa, Fitness & Relaxation(7)
Equipements de sport(12)
Automobiles, Motos & Vélos (129)
Vente automobiles neuves(3)
Vente automobiles d'occasion(0)
Peinture automobile(0)
Pièces de rechange automobiles(54)
Location véhicules classiques(3)
Location véhicules cérémonies & limousines(1)
Location camionnettes et camions(3)
Commissionnaires & courtiers en véhicules(0)
Magasins de vélos & accessoires(1)
Vente et réparation de pneus(10)
Essence, diesel, gaz & autres carburants(0)
Usines, Ateliers & Fabricants (38)
Peintures, vernis et émail(0)
Outils industriels(1)
Machines, appareils & outils professionnels(2)
Agriculture (45)
Matériel et équipement agricole(2)
Engrais, fertilisants & Pesticides(5)
Transformation agroalimentaire(14)
Produits agricoles(9)
Produits d'horticulture(0)
Animaux & Elevage (47)
Matériel d'élevage(0)
Médicaments pour animaux(14)
Aliments pour bétail(0)
Produits d'élevage(0)
Produits laitiers (lait, fromages, beurres, etc.)(11)
Animaux domestiques & accessoires(0)
Aliments pour animaux domestiques(2)
Toilettage chiens & chats(0)
Associations & Société Civiles (6)
ASBL (Association Sans But Lucratif)(0)
Religion & Spiritualité (11)
Eglises, temples & mosquées(9)
Couvents et congrégations religieuses(0)
Autres institutions religieuses(1)
Chorales et musique religieuse(1)
ONG (Organisations Non Gouvernementales) (2)
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Organismes & agences de l'ONU(13)
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Communauté des Pays des Grands-Lacs(2)
Autres organisations internationales(2)
Autre catégorie (22)
Autre activité(22)

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